Cartazes São Paulo Coffee Fest
A São Paulo Coffee Fest é um evento anual, que promove o consumo de café de qualidade e fortalece as cafeterias, microtorrefações e baristas da cidade e do ABC. Este ano o evento foi online e, como forma de incentivar o consumo em empreendimentos que foram tão afetados pela pandemia, havia brindes para cada compra nas cafeterias participantes. Os cartazes abaixo foram um dos brindes.
The São Paulo Coffee Fest is an annual event that promotes the consumption of quality coffee and strengthens the cafes, micro-roasteries, and baristas of the city and the ABC region. This year, the event was held online, and as a way to encourage consumption in businesses that have been heavily impacted by the pandemic, there were giveaways for every purchase at participating cafes. The posters below were one of the giveaways.
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